Friday, July 1, 2011

Torture Division - Evighetens Darar

You ever notice how "punky" early Swedish Death Metal sounds?  Well, these three handsome men are about to prove that point once again.  Although there are blastbeats to be heard, as well as the typical Swedish "buzzsaw" guitars, I can't help but notice the D-Beat influence.  Ok, so maybe I'm blowing the whole "punky" thing out of proportion, it's still for the most part old-school Swedish Death Metal with a modern production (handled by Dan Swano, by the way).  These aren't some young dickheads trying to be "retro" either, these guys have spent time in the seminal Grave, Entombed, and Vomitory.  They also played in The Project Hate, who nobody really liked.  Lyrically, the approach is also more stripped down and maybe juvenile?  That's ok though, you'd be a fool to listen to Death Metal for the lyrics anyway.  If you like to-the-point Death Metal without any gay stuff like melody or artwork, this is for you.

fast, smooth, handsome rock

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