Saturday, July 9, 2011

Undead Creep - The Ever-Burning Torch

Old-school Swedish Death Metal by way of Sicily.  I've been on sort of a primitive Death Metal kick, and this album fits right in with that.  If you're familiar with the style, you know what to expect: buzzing guitars, simple riffs, mid-paced drumming, all with the occasional sprinkling of melody and blast-beats.  The only thing I'm really missing is more bottom-heaviness and just plain loudness in the guitars.  I always liked feeling suffocated under the weight of the guitars of Dismember and Fleshcrawl, and this album lacks that slightly.  Other than that, you have pretty much the perfect Death Metal prototype.  It may not be as memorable as Like an Everflowing Stream or Slaughter of the Soul, but it definitely satisfies.  Pretty cool artwork too.

the great taste that won't fill you up, and never let you down

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