Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mïsogi - Tofotukami Wemitamafe

Did you like that Hellveto post?  I sure did, and I have something similar, except it's coming from half the world away in Chiba, Japan.  This particular project is significantly less-produced than it's Polish contemporary, as well as more bleak and depressing.  So, you suicidal Black Metal purists might find this one a bit more accessible.  The artistic vision of main member Touko is a bit more ambitious too, as I notice a lot of old Japanese chord progressions and melodies driving much of this music.  That being said, don't mistake this as a gimmick band that doesn't understand Black Metal: there is an authenticity to the feel and riffs displayed here.  That's it.  It's good.  I'll leave it at that, as my arm is bleeding...


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