Thursday, May 24, 2012

Olde Tyme Ass Whoopins

I'm serving to you three reviews that are gonna be short and sweet, instead of making you wait even longer for the paragraph-long reviews I'm known for.  Thinking up entertaining reviews is what keeps me posting so seldomly, as I rarely have time or motivation to write them.  Would you guys be more receptive to more frequent posts that have shorter reviews, or would you rather things stay the same?

Gorelust - Reign of Lunacy

Here's a rare side of Death Metal beef (two puns!) that I found while searching Metal Archives.  Gorelust tread the familiar waters of "plain Jane" Death Metal.  Not offering anything new (even in 1995), but providing sufficiently heavy sounds for effective  headbanging.  It's vaguely reminiscent of Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation with a bonus of very good drumming.

Bluuurgh... - In My Embrace

This record is far better than you would think, coming from a band named after an expulsion of gas.  In My Embrace is an overlooked gem of early Death Metal for sure.  There's plenty of great riffs and sick, retching vocals to be had here.  This could even be a classic had there been more interesting drumming and better arrangement.  But, this album must be appreciated for what it is: good, thrashy Death Metal.

Cast Aside - The Struggle

Of course, I can never go too long without posting some moshable Deathwish-style Hardcore.  Songs about Straightedge pride, being stabbed in the back, and destroying your enemies are all par for this course.  The lyrics maybe "old hat", but there's just enough variety and "freshness" to keep things entertaining and energetic.  There's a lot to like if you're into the late 80's fast crossover style, or the mid 90's mid-paced mosh.  It's hard, it's tough, and it gets you're blood flowin'.  That should be good enough for your chunky, mouse-potato ass.


  1. Stick with posting more albums more often. Being economic with one's reviews is something I need to learn, too. But you're always posting shit no one else in the blogosphere is, hence why I would prefer you to post more often.

    Keep it up.

  2. Thanks, I definitely try to keep my content unique.
