Sunday, October 2, 2011

Undergang - Indhenet af Doden

Old-school Danish Slam?  Not exactly, but it may seem like that on paper.  These Danes create Death Metal in the old Finnish tradition; you know, like Swedish Death Metal's slower, uglier cousin?  except even slower and uglier.  These slow to mid-paced riffs could easily fit on a Slam or Mosh record, had the timing and production been adjusted.  This actually reminds me a lot of Murder Squad and older Funebrarum, but with hardly any of the fast parts.  It's sort of an exaggeration of the old sound, sort of hyper-real in that way.  This is just ultra sludgey, ultra bassy, and ultra simple Death Metal to get you "in the mood" (whatever that means to you).     

so easy, even a caveman can do it


  1. Link dead. Re-up? Pretty please? Love this shit!

  2. There's now a new link for your enjoyment. Get ready to get ugly!

  3. Thanks, man. This stuff KILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
