Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Believer - Sanity Obscure

Believer really are like the "Atheist" of the christian Metal world.  Ok, so maybe they're not quite the legends that Atheist are, but they're not far from it either.  While Dimensions was Believer's "Elements", Sanity Obscure is their "Piece of Time".  This particular outing is a true Thrash record, not the genre-smashing abitiousness of "Dimensions".  As far as quality, though, the two albums are pretty much neck-and-neck.  Sanity Obscure is much less challenging (for the typical Metal pallette), but with ample technicality.  What Sanity Obscure lacks in variety and originality, it makes up for in consistency and listenability.  Honestly, it's really hard to find fault with this record.  You got great production, memorable riffs, and actually thought-provoking lyrics... all of which would make Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P.) jealous.  Give this band a shot, you won't be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Dimensions is pretty sick, I remember hearing that at my mate's house in Japan, really good times. Great post!
